This database is devoted to astrophysical research on stelar-mass black holes. For the original research paper see Wiktorowicz et al. (2019). All the model-related detailes can be found in the paper. The database provides technical details necessary for the application of its resultrs in various researches.
Main models (analysed in Wiktorowicz et al.) are named in the following scheme: MODELNAME_DATATYPE.dat
where MODELNAME relates the datafile to the models described in the paper in the following way
std - standard model
NKbe - Bray & Eldridge natal kicks model
NKr - Rodriguez et al. natal kicks model
SS0 - initial distributions model SS0
flatIMF/steepIMF - flat/steep IMF models
lowZ - model with metallicity Z=0.0002
midZ - model with metallicity Z=0.002
For the large grid of models named files are named in the following way: DESIGNATION_DATATYPE.dat
where DESIGNATION may containe one or more of the model names defined above. In these cases the model is a combination of main models described in the paper.
For example SS0_flatIMF_lowZ_binary.dat is a model similar to std but with initial parameters defined as in SS0, flat IMF, and metallicity equal Z=0.0002
single - information of sigle stars originating from disrupted binaries
binary - data on BH with companions stars (including double BH)
merger - stellar mergers
For example std_single.dat contains information for single black holes in standard model
Below the content of each DATATYPE files are described:
Each record for one disrupted binary has a format (multiple lines):
Ka Kb Ma Mb ta_end tb_end Mzamsa Mzamsb a0 e0 iidd idum
MpgaA MpgbA KpgaA KpgbA apgA epgA tpgA MendaA dMcea inbinA ecssna
MpgaB MpgbB KpgaB KpgbB apgB epgB tpgB MendbB dMceb inbinB ecssnb
Vax Vay Vaz
Vbx Vby Vbz
Vsm0x Vsm0y Vsm0z
Vextrx Vextry Vextrz
where each field represents [units are provided in brackets]:
The list of phases used to describe evolutionary history (evroute):
MTx - stands for non-conservative mass transfer through Roche lobe overflow. "x" indicates the donor: 1-primary, 2-secondary.
SNx - stands for a supernovae explosion.
CEx(a0-b0:a1-b1) - stands for a common envelope events.
"x" indicates the donor star: 1-primary, 2-secondary or 12-both components are donors.
"a0-b0" are integer numbers indicating stellar types (explained below) of the primary-secondary components, respectively, at the start of the CE.
Analogously "a1-b1" indicate stellar types at the outcome of the CE.
For example "CE2(14-2:14-7)" means that a CE was initiated by the secondary component ("CE2"), which was a Hertzsprung gap star ("-2:"), onto the primary, which was a black hole ("14-").
In the outcome, the secondary ejected its hydrogen envelope and became a Wolf-Rayet star ("-7"), while the primary remained a black hole (":14-").
AICtypex indicates an accretion induced core collapse.
"type" describes the compact object to which the progenitor has collapsed and "x" - the relevant component: 1-primary, 2-secondary.
For example "AICNS1" means that the accreting primary star ("1") has collapsed into a neutron star ("NS").
List of stellar types:
0 - main sequence star with M<=0.7 Msun (deeply or fully convective)
1 - main sequence star with M>0.7 Msun
2 - Hertzsprung gap star
3 - first giant branch star
4 - core helium burning star
5 - early asymptotic giant branch star
6 - thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch star
7 - main sequence naked helium star (Wolf-Rayet star)
8 - Hertzsprung gap naked helium star
9 - giant branch naked helium star
10 - helium white dwarf
11 - carbon/oxygen white dwarf
12 - oxygen/neon white dwarf
13 - neutron star
14 - black hole
17 - hybrid white dwarf
File name | Size |
NKbe_binary.dat.tbz | 28MB |
NKbe_merger.dat.tbz | 31MB |
NKbe_single.dat.tbz | 51MB |
NKr_binary.dat.tbz | 44MB |
NKr_merger.dat.tbz | 31MB |
NKr_single.dat.tbz | 52MB |
SS0_binary.dat.tbz | 961MB |
SS0_merger.dat.tbz | 24MB |
SS0_single.dat.tbz | 63MB |
SS6_binary.dat.tbz | 922MB |
SS6_merger.dat.tbz | 28MB |
SS6_single.dat.tbz | 51MB |
flatIMF_binary.dat.tbz | 814MB |
flatIMF_merger.dat.tbz | 31MB |
flatIMF_single.dat.tbz | 50MB |
lowZ_binary.dat.tbz | 1MB |
lowZ_merger.dat.tbz | 35MB |
lowZ_single.dat.tbz | 43MB |
midZ_binary.dat.tbz | 1MB |
midZ_merger.dat.tbz | 36MB |
midZ_single.dat.tbz | 41MB |
std_binary.dat.tbz | 641MB |
std_merger.dat.tbz | 31MB |
std_single.dat.tbz | 49MB |
steepIMF_binary.dat.tbz | 492MB |
steepIMF_merger.dat.tbz | 32MB |
steepIMF_single.dat.tbz | 47MB |
test.txt | 0MB |
Total | 4.53 GB |
File name | Size |
Total | 0.00 GB |