Self-lensing binary predictions
Here, we provide the data used for preparing the predicitons of self-lensing binaries. The predictions were prepared for ZTF, TESS and LSST instruments and are published in Wiktorowicz et al. (2021). All the detailes about simulations, data preparation and anaylsis can be found in the paper. Here we provide technical details necessary for reading and using the data.
Main models (analysed in Wiktorowicz et al.) are named in the following scheme: INSTRUMENT_IMFMODEL_sldata
where INSTRUMENT is the instrument used for the predictions:
ZTF - the Zwicky Transient Facility
TESS - the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
LSST - the Vera C. Rubin Observatory (aka the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope)
IMFMODEL stands for the initial mass funciton (IMF) model used in the simulations (IMF(m)~m^Gamma):
std - the standard (reference) model (Gamma=-2.3)
flatIMF - the flat IMF model (Gamma=-1.9)
steepIMF - the steep IMF model (Gamma=-2.7)
For example TESS_flatIMF_sldata.dat is the file with predicitons for TESS satelite in which the flat IMF whas used for simulations
single - information of sigle stars originating from disrupted binaries
binary - data on BH with companions stars (including double BH)
merger - stellar mergers
For example std_single.dat contains information for single black holes in standard model
Each file contains a number of records, each of which gives information about a self-lensing binary in the simulated population.
Each record gives information for one time-step and has a format:
Mlens Msource a Ksource Rsource Lsource m m_lim tau_eff b rE visible pristine mu_sl mwc dmax n_rec n_points weight
- Mlens is the lens star mass [Msun]
- Msource is the source star star mass [Msun]
- a is the semi-major axis of the system [Rsun]
- Ksource is the evolutionary state of the source star (see below)
- Rsource is the radius of the source star [Rsun]
- Lsource is the luminosity of the star x [Lsun]
- m is the apparent magnitude of the source star
- m_lim is the apparent magnitude limit of the instrument
- tau_eff is the effective Einstein ring crossing time [day]
- b is the impact factor (minimal distance between the centres of the source and the lens)
- rE is the Einstain ring radius [Rsun]
- visible marks if the source is visible
- pristine is set if the source haven't undergone any mass transfer episodes throughout its evolution
- mu_sl is the magnification (value of one means no magnification)
- mwc is the galactic component harbouring the source (see below)
- dmax is the maximal distance up to which the source is visible
- n_rec is the number of reccrent flare in the observed sample
- n_points is the number of datapoints per flare
- weight is the expected number of such sources in the observed sample
List of stellar types (Ksource):
0 - main sequence star with M<=0.7 Msun (deeply or fully convective)
1 - main sequence star with M>0.7 Msun
2 - Hertzsprung gap star
3 - first giant branch star
4 - core helium burning star
5 - early asymptotic giant branch star
6 - thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch star
7 - main sequence naked helium star (Wolf-Rayet star)
8 - Hertzsprung gap naked helium star
9 - giant branch naked helium star
10 - helium white dwarf
11 - carbon/oxygen white dwarf
12 - oxygen/neon white dwarf
13 - neutron star
14 - black hole
17 - hybrid white dwarf
Milky Way component codes (mwc):
0 - thin disk (stars older than 150 Myr)
1 - thick disk
2 - halo
3 - bulge
4 - thin disk (stars younger than 150 Myr)
List of files
File name |
Size | Total | 0.00 GB |